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Students who meet the three st和ards below are considered to be in good academic standing, a designation indicating that the student has no current academic difficulties:

  1. A minimum cumulative GPA appropriate to semester since matriculation (see chart below)
  2. 根据自入学以来累积的最低学分数来定义,在完成学位方面有足够的进步(见下表)
  3. Full-time enrollment (defined as attempting 4 or more course credits), unless authorized to drop below by an approved accommodation request or petition for reduced course load. 在秋季和春季学期的加/退课程结束后,对全日制学生的入学情况进行审查,并进行相应的调整.


秋天 & 春季学期结束 信用预期 最低学分要求 最低累积GPA要求
1 4 2 1.667
2 8 6 1.800
3 12.5 10.5 1.900
4 17 15 2.000
5 21.5 19.5 2.000
6 26 24 2.000
7 30.5 29.5 2.000
8 *34.5 or 35 2.000

There are five academic standing statuses (from most serious to least serious). 要了解更多信息,请点击下面的链接.

  1. 需要退出
  2. 要求提款(豁免)
  3. 留校察看
  4. 学术警告
  5. 学术推广



休学是指由于学习成绩不理想而被学院暂时休学一到两个学期. 学院的教师基于这样的信念制定了“要求退学”状态,即反复不履行学业责任的学生需要花时间离开学院,以解决影响他们进步的问题. 需要退出 is a physical separation from the College. 在所需的退出期间内, you may not participate in the academic 和 extracurricular activities of the College. You may not attend events or activities, use campus facilities, or work or live on campus.

If you wish to meet on campus with a faculty member or dean 对于一个 specific academic purpose (for example, to meet with your faculty adviser to prepare for Advance Registration after you have been readmitted), you may request permission from the Office of Student 和 社区生活((电子邮件保护), 860-297-2156). We strongly encourage you to remain in communication with the College, 尤其是你的指导老师和院长办公室.

Returning to the College after the 需要退出 period is neither automatic nor guaranteed. 你必须提交一份退货申请书. (参见“我如何申请退货??“低于.)

What is the process to request a waiver of 需要退出?

豁免要求的退学通常需要显示任何导致你学业成绩问题的情况的解决方案. 如果最近一个学期出现了学术问题的升级(如不满意的成绩增加或学期GPA下降),豁免就不太可能被批准。.

To request a waiver, send a statement via email to the Registrar’s Office ((电子邮件保护)),分别回答以下每一个问题:

  1. 你为什么要求放弃要求的提款?
  2. What academic, personal, or other circumstances led to unsatisfactory academic performance?
  3. What are your plans for the upcoming semester 对于一个ddressing the challenges above, 你的提议的时间是什么时候? 你必须明确.
  4. What evidence do you have that your proposed strategies will work?

可选: You may include a letter of support from your academic adviser. 你的顾问可以直接给注册办公室发邮件,告诉你更多关于你的学术状况的信息.

可选:你可以附上相关的证明文件. 属于私人性质的, 比如医疗或法律文件, will be viewed only by the committee representative from the Office of Community 和 学生生活.

2024年春季的豁免申请截止日期是 2024年1月12日星期五中午. You can expect a response to your petition by the end of the day on Friday, January 19, 2024.


信誉最好的网投十大平台的留校察看和学术地位政策旨在鼓励所有学生按时毕业并取得学术成功. Probation can occur due to: 1) multiple unsatisfactory grades, 2)缺乏良好的学术地位, 或3)学位进展不足.

If these problems continue, your degree completion may be in jeopardy. 请注意,连续第二个或第三个非连续的学术试用学期将导致从学院退学.


  1. You have an advising hold that will be removed after meeting with your academic adviser.
  2. 你不符合未完成课程的资格,必须在截止日期前完成所有课程,不迟于学期的最后一天.
  3. 你不能选择以及格/低及格/不及格为基础的课程(不包括只提供P/F的课程), 如P.E./体育).
  4. 你不能出国留学.
  5. You may not be eligible to participate in College athletic competition. Check with your coach(es) to clarify your specific situation.
  6. You cannot pledge a fraternity or sorority, affiliated with the College or not.


  1. 与你的学术顾问见面 二月初 to discuss your academic performance 和 develop a plan to get back on track to graduate on time.
  2. 查看以下列表 学术资源 来帮助你制定和实施你的计划.(链接)
  3. If you have questions regarding 留校察看, reach out to your 巢院长.


任何连续两个学期符合学术拓展条件(如下所列)的学生, 或者总共三个学期, 他们的记录上是否会有学术警告.


  • have a notation added to their student’s advising transcript noting 学术警告,
  • have all the actions associated with 学术推广 (listed below), 和
  • 是否需要与学生和社区生活办公室的代表会面,以对校园资源进行额外的审查.


任何符合以下条件的学生都将在其记录中显示学术外展状态:1)学期GPA为2.0或以下, 2)单项成绩不理想(D, LP, U or F); or 3) the completion during the fall 和 spring term of a minimum of two-thirds of the credits attempted (for IDP students).

Any student who receives a status of 学术推广 will also:

  • have a notation added to their advising transcript noting 学术推广,
  • 在他们的账户上注册,
  • 被要求与他们的学术顾问见面,并且
  • 为获得经济援助的学生准备的, 一份经济援助资格信将被发出,提醒学生在下一学期所需的学术要求,以维持他们的援助.


What can I do while away to best position myself 对于一个cademic success upon return?
取决于您的情况和剩余需求, 考虑在离开的时候参加课程,继续朝着完成学位的目标前进,并能够在你的请愿书中显示出学业成功的明确证据. 如果你获得经济援助,这也可以帮助你达到或超过学位进度要求或满意的学术进展(SAP).

在其他地方获得的成绩不会计入你的GPA. However, they will appear on your transcript 和 will be used to determine eligibility for return. 在其他地方修习的可转换学分课程必须得到注册办公室的预先批准. 检查 转让信用政策 如有疑问,请联系注册办公室.

Many students have also found that regular use of additional resources, 比如咨询服务, has helped them address issues that have impeded their performance.


In order to participate in Advance Registration for the term you return, petitions for readmission are due early in the prior semester. 重新申请的截止日期 秋季回归的时间是3月1日对于一个 s春季返程是10月1日. (If you are applying for financial aid, the deadline may be earlier. 参观 财政援助网站 了解更多信息.)


The process of petitioning to return from 需要退出 involves the following steps:


a. 申报表
如果申请返回秋季学期,此表格和所有其他文件必须不迟于3月1日提交给注册办公室, or no later than October 1 if petitioning to return for the spring semester.

b. 申报表
Complete the top portion of this form 和 提交 it to the Registrar’s Office. 办公室将取得其他必要的签名. 你将被要求预约与学生成功办公室的代表见面.

c. 致教务委员会的信
The letter accompanying your petition should explain the following:

  1. 你认为是什么导致你在上学期和之前的学期被留校察看?
  2. 你采取了哪些措施来解决手头的问题?
  3. 你有什么证据可以证明你已经做出了改变,这些改变将在你回国后对学业成功有明显的影响? (For example, what challenging classes did you successfully complete while away? 当你离开时,你掌握了什么有效的策略来告诉你如何充分利用你的时间和管理复杂的学业任务?)
  4. 你回来后的前两个学期的学习计划是什么? 具体地说, 回来的第一个学期, 你的A计划是什么?, “B计划,和特定课程的“C计划”, 当你试图注册时,考虑到有些课程可能已经满了,并认识到显示课程平衡是很重要的?


前请愿, check your advising transcript to be sure that you do not have any holds (for example, a financial hold) so that once approved to return you will be able to successfully register for classes.


At the time you petition to return, you should also contact the Office of Residential & 社区生活((电子邮件保护), 860-297-2305) to find out what you need to do to select a room (for example, 如果在秋季返回,则通过抽签代理;如果在春季学期返回,则被添加到可用房间的等待名单中)。.


你的Trinity邮箱应该保持活跃, but if you forget your password or have other difficulties accessing Trinity email or websites, 联系帮助台 寻求帮助. It is important to check your Trinity email regularly while away. 重要的通知通常通过电子邮件发送,这是教师或工作人员与您联系的最常见方式. 没有检查电子邮件,因此错过了重要的通知,并不是错过截止日期或其他行动呼吁的充分借口.


如果您已被置于要求提款, 在以后的学期中,如果你被留校察看,你将再次被列入休学名单,很可能会导致你的学业再次中断. 因此, you should be prepared 和 dedicated to achieving good academic standing once you return to Trinity.

以避免招致缓刑,并保持良好信誉, you must achieve the criteria summarized in the chart above (a cumulative GPA of 2.0, earning satisfactory grades, 和 earning an average of four academic credits per semester). If you need help, we encourage you to take advantage of the many 学术支持资源 在三一.